The Way Has Streetlights

John 14:1-6

“Where I am going you know the way.”

We all love suspense and intrigue.  Murder mysteries, plots that unravel over time, secret connections between characters, and surprise endings have delighted us since the dawn of time.  We love NOT knowing how something is going to end or how the hero will overcome their antagonist.  With The Way there is a healthy dose of mystery and awe, but what is not ever in question is how we, as heroes of our own stories, will win the day.  Spoiler alert (that’s my time’s way of saying sarcastically, “You already know.”) the answer is Jesus.  The answer to everything is The Way.

The Paladin Institute stresses the words “The Way” so much because it is literally all you need to know.  “The way, and the truth, and the life,” means to do what Jesus told you to do, act like Jesus acted, (forgive, heal, and love etc), and recognize that he is our lord and savior.  Any other lifestyle is an approximation of perfect living, and isn’t that what we all seek: righteousness.  As a man, you will be tested.  You will be tired.  You will be forced into corners and question your abilities.  The world will beat you down time and time again, but you will always be able to take comfort in The Way that never changes.  You will always have a blueprint for success, a roadmap to victory, and a plethora of tactical solutions.  Even if your body were to become racked with disease and you fell into poverty, loneliness, addiction, and constant suffering you can still be a Paladin, follow The Way, be forgiven, and go to heaven.  But think, my sons, REALLY PICTURE IN YOUR MIND how beautiful life would be if you were not only healthy, wealthy, loved, and free, but also certain that you were righteous and that your reward was waiting for you in heaven!  Perfect!  I love you forever.


The Force Will Be With You


Own It!