Frequently Asked Questions

What is/was a Paladin?

A Paladin was a medieval knight that swore a sacred vow of service to a king or emperor. They were so trusted by their king that they were ordered to work within the palace itself; thus the term “Paladin.” Today the Paladin Institute has adopted this term as a title bestowed upon a man who lives according The Way of Jesus Christ, maintains a disciplined lifestyle, and inspires others with love and service.

What is the mission of The Paladin Institute?

First and foremost the Paladin Institute is a Roman Catholic evangelical organization that seeks to save the souls of men. Unfortunately, many men find christianity hard to decipher and apply to their daily lives. The Paladin Institute decodes the gospel, borrows from the greatest philosophers in history, offers a tactical plan for daily living, and recognizes righteousness as the primary goal of all men.

Why should I want to become a Paladin?

Modern man has lost his way. With the comforts of technology, shared infrastructure, and the safety derived from readily available food and shelter we have forgotten why strength is important. We have become soft. We have fallen into habits and patterns of thinking that weaken us physically, mentally, and spiritually. This presents a very clear and present danger to humanity itself. You can tread water in the warm calm swamp of complacency, waiting for the crocodile jaws of Satan to snatch you down into hell, or you can climb out, become a Paladin, and help others escape this trap of delusion.

Am I strong enough?

Christianity is not about being perfect. God didn’t come down from heaven, become, man, teach, heal, die, resurrect, and ascend into glory to reward the good people of the world. Quite the opposite is true. Christianity and The Way is actually designed and most useful to those of us who recognize our flaws, weaknesses, and ignorance. The Paladin is not perfect, but he seeks perfection by following The Way. The Paladin Institute is the only evangelical organization designed to specifically help men take Catholic teachings and apply then to their everyday life so that they can take pride in knowing that they are living a righteous life.

Service is great; but what do I personally get for becoming a Paladin?

How does eternal salvation sound? What about meaning, purpose, and direction in life? Perhaps you would be more interested in having other people respect you without knowing anything else about you when they hear that you are a Paladin. Would you like a blueprint for how to live your life day to day and know without a doubt in your mind that you you crushed every day in the most righteous way possible. Or maybe you just want to take comfort in the knowledge that you are objectively one of the good guys.

Are there meetings, networking, cooperations between Paladin?

Yes. Please see our Fraternity page.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur dignissim neque metus, non porttitor purus cursus non. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Duis faucibus lacus sed nulla congue congue. Morbi a ligula lobortis, maximus orci in, egestas dui. Duis fringilla ut nunc vitae vulputate.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur dignissim neque metus, non porttitor purus cursus non. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Duis faucibus lacus sed nulla congue congue. Morbi a ligula lobortis, maximus orci in, egestas dui. Duis fringilla ut nunc vitae vulputate.