Metaphorical usage of the Four Cardinal Virtues. All TOLs

-Armor of Temperance

-Shield of Courage

-Sword of Justice

-Prudence of the Knight within

Actual-  All Topics of Letters TOLs

ARMOR- Temperance: Physical and Emotional Self-Mastery.  Defeat of temptation.

-Healthy Body- Strong, fit.

-Sober mind- No drinking, limited inputs (soy med, news, gossip)

SWORD- Justice to give what is due.

- No man would argue that each is due their own life and health.  Justice demands peace and non-violence.  As such, violence is never an initial action, but only used in defense.

- Much of what is due to others starts with love, but love can be many things.  Love can be a respectful distance and love can be an intervention of an addict.

- What is due to strangers is always the same: respect, kindness, trust, and generosity.

- After a stranger becomes an acquaintance, the standard changes for the more intimate or to the wait and see position.  This is when you allow for a return of love by the other at a respectful distance.

- In regard to self-justice you could say that a small bit of vanity is completely reasonable.  Your body is a temple: decorate it accordingly.  This will also project outwardly how you feel inwardly.

COURAGE- Prepare for and advance toward hardship.  You lower your shoulder into the expected hit from the world.  You know it is coming and yet you move forward anyway.

- The courage to be truthful is perhaps the biggest one.  A Paladin never lies.

Paladin Oath

  • Pray

    A Paladin will attend Mass.

    A Paladin will confess their sins weekly.

  • Sleep

    A Paladin will sleep for a minimum of 8 hours per night.

    A Paladin will not sleep past 6:00am.

  • Eat

    A Paladin will eat only natural whole foods of three ingredients or less.

    A Paladin will not ingest sugar, gluten, or alcohol.

  • Move

    A Paladin will walk for 33 minutes per day.

    A Paladin will perform 33 pushups per day.

  • Carry

    A Paladin always carries a knife.

    A Paladin always carries a flashlight

    A Paladin always wears a watch

  • Speak

    A Paladin never lies.

    A Paladin will not speak in anger.

  • Learn

    A Paladin will understand his faith.

    A Paladin will remain curious.