Choose To Love

JOHN 10:11–18

“I am the good Shepherd.”

My Sons, I love you so much. Understand two points here:

  1. Jesus is telling us that we are under his protection, not because he HAS to but rather because he WANTS to because he loves us.  The waiter and cook feed you because it’s their job: they HAVE to feed you.  I made you dinner when you were children because I loved you and wanted the best for you.  Love is wanting the best for another and can always be understood in what we choose to do for those we love.

  2. If you are to follow The Way and be like Jesus you to must CHOOSE to do the right thing for others not because someone told you that you HAD to, but because you WANT the best for them.  And just like I didn’t always want to make you dinner, I chose to because I loved you.


We Are One