Careful What You Wish For

John 16:20-23

“Whatever you ask the Father in my name he will give you.”

“Wait, What?” you might be thinking.  “God is going to give me anything I ask for?  Well that sounds like a load of nonsense!  Prayers go unanswered all the time, and I may not be a priest, but I’m pretty sure God is not some genie in a lamp granting wishes.”  And you would be right.  As is usually the case when reading the bible, you have to slow down and really acknowledge every single word.  It has to be “in my name” or in other words, “Jesus Approved.”

We are all encouraged to pray frequently and ardently.  It should come as no surprise though that God encourages us to pray to GIVE not to get.  Not only that; but what we pray for is openly declared not so that God can hear it but so that YOU can hear it.  What are you praying for?  Who are you praying for?  And most importantly, is what you are praying for in line with what Jesus Christ would want for you as the embodiment of love?  If you want to be a Paladin self-awareness is mandatory.

This open declaration of desires and intentions is both strengthening and enlightening.  Imagine you had to say out loud what you really wanted, but at the same time Jesus was standing behind you with his arms crossed looking at you like a patient parent.  “God, please give more money.”  “God, please make Mary Jane go out with me.”  “God, please don’t have John Johnson show up at this meeting I hate him so much!”  Versus: “God please give me strength to work harder and see the opportunities for growth right in front of me.”  “God, please give me the courage to tell Mary Jane how I feel about her.”  “God, please open my heart to understanding why John Johnson acts as he does.”  You see; it’s kind of like a trick: you will only get what you pray for IF you pray for the right things. And before you throw up your hands and call BS on the whole thing remember: it’s all for your benefit!  He’s clearly telling you that if you live according to The Way, all your prayers will be answered because your desires are righteous and so are you.


Neither Here Nor There